The voice of crops

Monitoring the health and stress levels of plants in real-time through an accurate analysis of their sap is the goal of an innovative sensor technology developed by Plantvoice, an Italian start-up. They have created a non-invasive, phytocompatible device that can be inserted directly into the stem of the plant to monitor its internal physiological data in real-time.

The monitoring is conducted using a “sentinel plant” approach, evaluating a representative plant within a homogeneous agricultural plot, typically around one hectare in size. Once the data is collected, the sensor sends it to the cloud, where it is analyzed by artificial intelligence software using customized algorithms. This analysis provides assessments of potential insufficient water supply or possible bacterial and fungal attacks.

The technology developed by Plantvoice can be integrated with other software applications, allowing farmers to use the collected data in digital platforms already in use within their farms. According to calculations carried out by the start-up on fields where the devices are already in operation, the technology can improve productivity by 10 to 20 percent, reduce water usage by up to 40 percent, and decrease the use of fertilizers and pesticides by approximately 10 and 15 percent, respectively. All this is achieved without any risk of crop damage, as the sensors are made from biocompatible and compostable materials that can withstand being inside the plant for an entire growing season.

Title: the voice of crops

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